Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where did 2007 go?

Did I not eat? My jeans say nay.
Rather I think I learned the lesson that when one embarks on a Master's Thesis, the idea of writing anything else -- be it email, birthday cards, shopping lists, affadavits, whathaveyou-- they all go by the way side because to actually form words and make phrases is physically incapacitating. I could not sit in front of the computer/grasp pen /use language for a second longer than was absolutely necessary. It may sound like baloney (mmm baloney- shut up you know you love it fried) but it turns out to be the truth. Not like anyone's reading this, which I don't want anyway because then I would have to go read yours.

Anyway, 2007 went away, just a like that, a year of no posts. Which is shame because I ate at some fantastic restaurants. Like the pork belly at Bowman's. And I miss you people. Those of you who don't read this.

And finally. I went to the beer festival this past weekend. Me and most of the unattached males of Auckland. It was like New Zealand's largest frat party. And for some reason, I don't find that to be a bad thing.